- Updated Location: In-person club meeting:
- In person club meetings will be held on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Meetings will be held at 6:30PM at Central Maine Community College, 1250 Turner Street, Auburn Maine. Room 113 in Jalbert Hall (Enter through the College Store).
- We’d like to extend an invite to all existing and prospective new members to attend the meeting in person or virtually. Starting with our May meeting, we will be broadcasting via ZOOM. To join, please copy/paste (or click on) the website below into your internet browser and enter the meeting ID and passcode where indicated.
- https://zoom.us/join
- Meeting ID: 822 5375 1286
- Passcode: 942499
A special thank you to Central Maine Community College for allowing AARC to meet at their campus monthly!

AARC Breakfast Meeting
The Monthly club Breakfast is held at Governors Restaurant at 1185 Lisbon St, Lewiston on the last Saturday of every month at 7:45 a.m. Please free to bring a guest and drop in to say hello.
AARC Dinner Meeting
The Monthly Club evening meal will be held on the Third Wednesday of the Month at 6:00 PM, Restaurants rotate.
Click to Visit Meal Location Page
Other Events
Other events will be announced as they are scheduled by the club. Please stay tuned for further information. If you have any suggestions for upcoming events, please reach out to our club officers and they will assist you further.
Previous Meeting Locations
The Androscoggin amateur Radio Club would like to thank the following locations for allowing us to meet as a group at their restaurant locations:
