August 2, 2025 8 AM to NOON
Augusta Civic Center
76 Community Drive, Augusta, Maine
(Take I-95 Exit 112 or 112A)
Vendor Tables are $25 each the day of the convention, so take advantage of advance table sales.
General Admission $10. If you purchase your tickets online, they will be held for you at the Registration Table/Will Call line.

Doors open to the Public at 8 AM. Vendors can set up starting at 6 AM.
Get your tables early! Price goes up day of convention ($25/each plus $5 Vendor Admission).
Convention hours for the public are 8 AM to Noon.
Walk-ins allowed for the VE Test Session.

Yaesu FT-991A
HF (160-10m), VHF (2m) and UHF (70cm). Operates SSB/CW/FM/AM/C4FM “System Fusion”
One stop shop, shack in a box.
Admission ticket required for prize entry. Do not need to be present to win grand prize (must be present for other prizes).

Keep visiting this page to follow any convention updates!
For any questions, please email convention@w1npp.org